Here are six mistakes you may be making with your diet after you turn forty. Actually, it may be good to watch these things before you’re forty, too. Some of these ideas come from a youtube video by Thomas De Lauer.
- Not eating enough saturated fat – you still need fat as you age. And, Low-Density Lipoprotein (LDL) is just a carrier of cholesterol. The issue is when LDL gets oxidized. LDL gets acted on by sugar and immune cells (stressed out.) These are the symptoms. Low-quality saturated fats are a problem. Sugar is a bigger risk than saturated fats.
- Loading up on too much calcium. Calcium competes with Magnesium in your body. Magnesium is probably more important than calcium. Too much Calcium leads to calcification of the arteries. Supplementing calcium increases the risk of cardiovascular disease. Check for coronary artery calcification.
- Not consuming full-fat dairy. Fat from dairy is very good for you. (Most of the ice cream at fast food places is actually some version of ice milk. They took out the fat and replaced it with sugar.) Studies show that people who consume more dairy fat have a lower risk of cardiovascular disease. There are also many fewer instances of obesity in people that consume butter, eggs, whipping cream, and cheese. A meta-study supported these conclusions.
- Eating too fast. a recent study of 59,000 people in Japan showed those that ate slower had a significantly lower percentage of fat. Try to slow down.
- Adding too much fiber to your diet. Exercise caution here. Whole grains contain gluten which is very inflammatory. if fiber is a concern, Thomas DeLauer recommends using Psyllium Husk, Flax Seed, or Chia Seed. I still grind my own wheat and eat a slice of toast every day along with lots of vegetables.
- Not taking a Break from Eating. As you age, the mitochondria in your cells start to weaken and die off. Now, mitochondria are the power generators for your body so you should take care of them. The best way to improve mitochondrial health by periodic fasting, intermittent fasting is good. Fasting is useful for mitochondrial biogenesis, too. If you don’t know how to fast intermittently, it’s actually pretty simple. A good reference to intermittent fasting is a book by Brad Pilon called “Eat, Stop, Eat”